How To Effectively Apply Ringworm Treatment For Toddlers
If your child has a scaly round patch on any part of his body, he may be having a contagious infection known as ringworm. While the name may suggest it, ringworm is not caused by a worm but by a fungus.
The disease has been named the way it is because it is characterized by round or oval spots that grow. When the infection grows, it becomes smooth in the center but retains its red scaly border.
This type of infection often spread from person to person through sharing of infected garments like combs, hats, and brushes.
While this infection may be difficult to prevent because of the fact that this is common and rather contagious, it can be treated effectively. If you are having the same concerns, read on to learn more about how you can effectively apply ringworm treatment for toddlers.
Ringworm Infection And Its Treatment

Before you can effectively treat this infection, it is important to know what this looks like. Basically, this type of infection starts out as a ring-shaped but flat rash. Over time, the ring becomes larger as it spreads.
Ringworm infection can appear on different parts of the body. Here are some of the characteristics of this infection:
- Scalp – It starts as a small pimple which grows larger and makes patches of dry, bald skin. This type of ringworm is common in children.
- Fingernails – Nail beds that become infected appear thick, brittle and discolored.
- Feet – Ringworm infection on the feet causes dry and cracked skin between the toes.
- Skin Folds – This infection can also appear in other parts of the body like the groin, inner thighs, buttocks, and genitals. It appears as a red itchy rash on skin folds.
It is also important to know how your child got infected with ringworm. The infection might have infected your child through a broken skin like a cut, scratch or eczema.
Your child may have come directly in contact with an infected pet or person. It could also be that your child has touched contaminated sheets, garments, toys, towels or combs.
In treating ringworm infection in children, you must prepare and know the following things:
- Proper hand and body hygiene
- Anti-fungal creams (Over-the-Counter or Prescribed Ones)
- Natural home remedies like coconut oil, apple cider vinegar, and garlic
- Medicated shampoo for ringworm infections
- Preventive measures for ringworm infection
Treating Ringworm Infection In Toddlers Effectively
Ringworm treatment for toddlers requires the use of anti-fungal medications, proper hygiene measures, and preventive measures.
1. Use Of Over The Counter Anti-Fungal Creams
When there is only a single ringworm patch in the body, this can be treated using an over-the-counter anti-fungal cream. The most frequently prescribed ones include clotrimazole, miconazole, and tolnaftate.
A small amount of the cream is applied two to three times a day for one to two weeks. You should apply the cream over and a little beyond the area of infection. After two weeks of application, there should be noticeable clearing on the infected area. It is important to wash your hands before and after applying the cream.
2. Natural Home Remedies For Ringworm Infection

Aside from over the counter medications, there are also known natural home remedies for ringworm infection.
- Apple Cider Vinegar – This contains natural antifungal properties which can treat ringworm infection. With a cotton ball, you can apply the solution to the affected area four to five times a day. The red scaly patches should clear out in about five days.
- Garlic Extract – Garlic has a natural anti-fungal agent that is used to treat different fungal infections including ringworm. You should slice thin pieces of garlic and place the slices on the affected areas of the body. For best results, you should let it stay overnight.
- Coconut Oil – The healing properties of this oil is effective in treating ringworm infection. You can apply the oil over the affected area and leave it overnight.
- Aloe Vera – While aloe vera may be popular for its natural hair conditioning properties, this is also a great remedy for skin infections. You should apply the aloe vera gel on the affected areas of the body and leave it overnight before washing and drying the area thoroughly.
- Papaya – This fruit is rich in Vitamin A, which makes it a great remedy for ringworm infections. You can rub a piece of raw papaya on the affected part of the body to get some relief. As an alternative, you can use a paste of dried papaya seeds.
- Turmeric – Turmeric is rich in antibiotic properties. You can apply fresh turmeric juice on the affected area using a cotton ball. You can apply this three times a day.
3. Know When To Consult Your Child’s Pediatrician
Ringworm infection should get better two to three weeks after application of anti-fungal creams. However, if your child’s infection carries on for a longer period of time, you should consult your child’s pediatrician.
If you think the infection is getting worse while you are treating your child with anti-fungal creams, you should consult your child’s pediatrician again. Your child’s pediatrician will prescribe a stronger medication.
In some cases, your child may be prescribed with oral anti-fungal preparations. Your child will need to take the medication for several weeks to clear out the infection.
4. Using Medicated Shampoo For Ringworm Infection

In the case of scalp ringworm infection, you need to make use of a specially medicated shampoo when washing your child’s hair.
Since ringworm is highly contagious, there is a great chance that other members of the family have caught the infection as well. They must be examined for signs of ringworm infection.
If they have the signs and symptoms of ringworm infection, they need to make use of the special shampoo.
You should not allow your child to share combs, hair clips, brushes or hats to prevent the infection from spreading.
5. Consider Good Hand And Body Hygiene
You should take note of the hygiene measures to effectively remove the ringworm infection from around your home.
- First, you should gently wash and dry the infected areas of the child’s body. You should take a good look in between skin folds and between the toes
- You should always wash your hands before and after applying anti-fungal creams or even when you are simply touching your child.
- You should wash your child’s things like toys, towels, clothes and hairbrush separately and frequently to remove the fungus.
- You should make sure to dress your child in loose-fitting clothes which should cover the legs and the arms.
- You should always keep your child’s fingernails short to prevent her from scratching infected parts of his or her body. This should prevent the spread of infection from one part of the body to another.
6. Preventive Measures Are Definitely Better Than Curative Ones

Prevention is always better than cure. If you can prevent your child from getting the infection is so much better than curing your already infected child. Here are some ways on how you can do this:
- You should identify the possible source of infection. This can be from another member of your family or from your pets.
- If your pets are infected, you should have them treated right away. If other members of your family are infected, they should also get proper treatment.
- Proper hand hygiene must be practiced at all times. You should make sure that everyone in your home washes their hands frequently.
- You should always keep the lines and beddings clean. Make sure to wash them frequently.
- If you suspect of infected clothes, brushes, or combs, you should throw them away.
- If one member of the family has already acquired the infection, you should avoid coming in contact with them. When possible, you should always wash your hands before and after touching them.
- You should also pay special attention in drying moist parts of the body, as this can be breeding ground for the infection.
In treating ringworm infection, you should always consider good hand and body hygiene. Moreover, you should make sure that you always keep your home clean. Preventive measures are always the best remedy for a possible infection.
If your child already has the infection, you should consult his or her pediatrician. This way, your child can be examined and prescribed with the right medications.
You should not cast your child away for having the infection. Even though the infection is highly contagious, it can be cured effectively.
If you have friends and family with the same concerns, share the article and let us help them cure and stop the spread of ringworm infection not just in children but also in adults!
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