
Category Archives for "Baby Health"

Pedialyte For Babies – Is It Safe For Babies With Diarrhea?

Watching your baby vomit and feel terrible breaks a mother’s heart. We all know this feeling. When your baby is suffering from vomiting and diarrhea, they are losing all the essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals they have consumed. This may lead to dehydration, which is quite dangerous especially for babies. Many doctors and experienced parents recommend […]

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What Are The Side Effects Of Gripe Water In Infants? Let’s Find The Answer

Gripe water is a popular home remedy for the treatment of constipation, colic, reflux, gas and other gastrointestinal problems among infants. This herbal remedy contains herb extracts and sugar that can help soothe the stomach. While some parents rely on the use of gripe water to soothe and calm their children, this does come with some […]

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Is Prune Juice For Babies Effective In Relieving Constipation?

Constipation is a common condition affecting both children and adults alike. Even infants can become constipated. While it is uncommon for babies who are exclusively breastfed to become constipated, formula fed infants who start eating solids may experience difficulty to pass bowel movements. Many parents look for efficient and safe ways to promote smooth passage of […]

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