Breastfeeding Benefits For Mom And Baby

Breastfeeding is a beautiful gift given to us mothers, by nature!

It is important to remember that breastfeeding does not always come easy to everyone and that our journeys are all different.

Ask for help early on if you need it. There are many wonderful support groups and specialist feeding clinics available that are designed to support new mums.

Be kind to yourself and persevere, as the first few weeks can be tough. Once your breasts learn to regulate its milk supply, your nipples harden and baby becomes familiar with the feeding technique. The journey will be an easier one.

However long you decide to breastfeed is your choice and yours alone. Don’t be feel pressured into giving up before you or your child is ready.

Women are successfully returning to work and continuing to provide their babies with the benefits of breast milk. Small compact & discreet breast pumps make this possible, as mums are able to express milk at work and provide nutritious milk for their children via bottles during the day.

Breast milk can be stored in the fridge for up to 5 days or frozen in the freezer for use much later.

Why Breastfeed?

Why Breastfeed

Mother and baby both receive many wonderful long lasting benefits from breastfeeding.

Benefits To Mom

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    Breastfeeding burns calories and is a wonderful natural form of weight loss.
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    Breastfeeding helps to reduce your risk of breast and ovarian cancer’s.
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    Breastfeeding helps to release a hormone called oxytocin, which helps the uterus return to its pre-pregnancy size.
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    Breastfeeding helps to lessen your risk of postpartum depression.
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    Breastfeeding is empowering.
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    Breastfeeding is simple and no fuss.
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    Breastfeeding may help to reduce uterine bleeding after birth.
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    Breastfeeding will help to lower your risk of contracting diseases such as osteoporosis.
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    Breastfeeding saves time and money.
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    Breastfeeding aids in bonding between mother and child.
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    Breastfeeding is a time to relax.

Benefits To Baby

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    Breastfeeding is a wonderful bonding experience for mother and baby and can be the foundation of a beautiful close relationship.
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    Research has suggested that baby’s who are breastfeed have enhanced cognitive skills.
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    Breastfeeding reduces the risk of infant mortality.
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    Breastfeeding helps to build a strong immune system.
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    Breast milk is nutritious and is full of vitamins, protein and fat.
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    Breast milk helps with early brain development.
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    Breastfeeding lowers your child’s risk of developing asthma and or allergies.
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    Breastfeed babies have fewer ear infections, respiratory illnesses and or bouts of diarrhea.
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    Breastfeed babies are generally healthier and require fewer visits to the doctors.
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    Breastfeed babies are less likely to be over weight.

Are There Any On Going Benefits Later In Life?

Children continue to reap the benefits from breastfeeding long after they have stopped. Children who are breastfeed as babies are said to have:

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    Fewer cases of allergies, eczema and asthma later in life.
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    They have a lower risk of developing type one diabetes.
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    They have fewer cavities and healthier teeth.
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    They have a lower risk of becoming obese.
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    They have a strong bond with their mother.
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    They have a lower risk of respiratory illness.
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    They have fewer childhood cancers such as leukemia.

About The Author

Breastfeeding Benefits For Mom And Baby 3

Like many women out there, Tracey Montford is an exceptional multi-tasker! Apart from steering a global business, managing 2 young boys & keeping the clan clean and fed, Tracey still finds time to provide creative inspiration and direction to the exceptional designs of Cake Maternity. From the branding, presentation and delivery, creativity is a big part of what Tracey does so naturally and effectively.


My name is Crystal Waston. I am a mother of three wonderful children. I started MakeYourBabyLaugh! to help parents who are struggling to raise their children. I hope that my experiences in child-rearing can inspire and help parents overcome their parenting struggles.

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